Remembering His Abundant Goodness


Recently in my post “All for Him” I mentioned to you that on my way to New York City in January I spend some time prayerfully seeking God’s direction for this new year and making goals. (For some reason I prefer the term “New Years Goal” over “New Years Resolution.”)

One verse I came across during that time was

“I will express the memory of your abundant goodness.” Psalm 145

I thought to myself, “How can I express the memory of God’s abundant goodness if I’m not REMEMBERING His abundant goodness?”

While babysitting in college, the mom had forgotten her keys, and when she came back in to retrieve them she told me that women’s memories get worse after childbirth and I didn’t really believed her……until it happened to me. I used to have an amazing memory- now I scare myself by the things I forget. One of my friends said that when she delivered her baby, she also delivered her brain, and I feel the same way. But I’ve delivered my brain 3 times now. Not cool.

To give you a little glimpse of the problem, the other day I asked for help out after my weekly shopping trip to Trader Joe’s. I was carrying my wiggly toddler who decided he didn’t want to sit in the cart, while a kind man pushed my load of groceries. We’re walking up and down the aisles and I’m getting embarrassed and feeling a little awkward. Why can’t I find my van??? What is going on here? What is wrong with me? Am I at the right store? On the right planet? Finally I laugh and say aloud, “This is so weird! I know I parked right around here, but for some reason I just can’t find my blue mini van.” Grace pipes up in her sweet 5 year old voice, “But, MOMMY!!! You didn’t drive the VAN! You drove the JETTA!!” Oops. Sure enough, there was Nick’s silver Jetta right there in front of me. Post-Pregnancy Brain strikes again.

Anyways, so after reading that verse, I made it one of my goals for this year to record the things I am thankful for. For years I’ve kept a prayer journal, in which I’ve written out prayers to the Lord. In addition to that one, I bought a new notebook (of course I had to get a pretty one. How can I write what I’m thankful for in an ugly notebook??) and have placed it in my night stand. Over the past month and a half I’ve made it a habit most nights  before going to bed to quick jot down a few blessings from that day. Things like

*an encouraging e-mail I received

*a moment in which I could see character development in one my kids

*a fun, peaceful moment with my kids, like playing catch with Harrison or painting with Grace

*a great conversation with Nick

*beauty I saw in creation

*an answer to prayer

Some nights tons of things pop into my head, and I’m writing furiously. But I’m not gonna lie. Some nights its not as easy. But if I force myself to think hard, I can always think of at least something. And doing so helps me to go to bed with a grateful heart.

Another benefit I have found from it is because I start each sentence with “Thank-you for……….” it helps me to take any credit or pride I may have been feeling from any of those situations and to turn them into praise to the One to whom praise is due.

Hopefully writing down these examples of God’s abundant goodness will help me to remember them, despite my “post-pregnancy brain,” giving me opportunity someday to share them as a testimony to His beautiful love.

I was so excited when I found this notebook! It is bound nicely so the pages won’t fall out and it has some of my favorite colors. And the quote, “Show me a day when the world wasn’t new” seemed perfect for a thankfulness journal. I couldn’t find a price for it, so I asked the cashier if she could tell me how much it was, and when it rung up for just over $2 (clearance!!! wooo hooo!!!) I told her I’d take it. Her response? “You’d be ridiculous not to!”

I also loved the print on the inside cover!

Oh- I wanted to warn you- I may be a little quiet on the Blog-Front this week. No, I’m not lost in the Trader Joe’s parking lot, wondering which planet I’m on. I’m actually very busy planning for a special, fun event I am hosting at my house Friday night. I am super, SUPER excited about it (AHHHHHHH!!!!!!) and I can’t wait to share with you the details when it is all done! I’m thinking that a few of you might receive a little inspiration from it!

2 responses »

  1. Thanks for sharing that verse…definitely a precious reminder to be grateful for His goodness! Hope the event on Friday night is a success, I look forward to hearing more about it! PS. Cute journal!

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